Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Topic Time

Today we began talking about this term's topic. We watched an imovie featuring lots of photos of NZ places, people and kiwiana and guessed that we are going to be discovering all about NZ and what makes us New Zealanders.
In groups we listed and drew pictures of all the things we know already. Some of these things were.....
We have -
Yellow eye penguins
Lots of sheep
Mountains called Mt Cook and Mt Taranaki
A big lake called Lake Taupo
A Prime Minister called John Key
The Beehive is in Wellington
The Sky Tower is in Auckland
We know of The Sounds, Dunedin, Nelson and Invercargill
We love.....
Hokey Pokey Ice cream
L & P
The All BLacks
Richie McCaw
We wear.......
tiki and greenstone

We also wrote some questions we would like to find the answers to this term...
How many people live in Christchurch ? Sophie
Why are hangi's called hangi's? Neo
Why do Kiwis only exist in NZ? Nate
Why are jandals and gunboots popular shoes in NZ? Gracie
Who discovered NZ? Logan
What is Tauranga and is it in NZ? Brigit
How long would it take to walk the length of NZ? Max

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