Sunday, September 25, 2011

Animal Inquiry Presentations

This week the children will be presenting their inquiry work on their chosen animal. A variety of presentations will take place, power points, videos, story jumper and posters. We have learnt so much about so many different types of animals. Well Done everybody - great inquiries completed by each and every one of you!

Here is the link to Isabella's story jumper presentation on Wolves.

Lavender became a 'Giraffe Expert' Check out her video

Isabel became an expert on Emus. Here is her video.
Nate has done a great presentation using the keynote programme

Here is a link to Jade's story on Whitetail Deer

Here is a link to Maddy's story on Parrots

Here are the posters which the children held up and presented to the class.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Yr 4 Art Extension

Last week several students from the Year 4 team got to take part in an Art Extension class and create a mask based along the theme of Mardi Gras/carnival.
Jade, Brigit, Isabella, Logan and Maneo went along from Room 22 and below you can see the fabulous masks they designed and made. Great to see such a mixture of imaginative ideas and colours/materials being used. Well done!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wombat Stew

AT LAST! Sorry for the delay in getting this posted for you Phoebe, technical delays galore!!

Phoebe proudly presented her amazing adaptation of Wombat Stew to our class, Yr 4 assembly, lots of parents and also some visiting classes last week and we were all so impressed. Phoebe rewrote Wombat Stew, directed the kids, painted the backdrop with her friends and helped make the costumes and masks. She has worked so hard to put this all together and the children involved worked hard too. It was all worth the effort in the end wasn't it Phoebe? You should be very,very proud of yourself.
Proud writer/director Phoebe

Brigit and Georgie helped Phoebe and her Mum paint the stunning backdrop
Platypus scoops some mud into Dingo's stew
Lizard adds some flies to the stew
Echidna suggests some bugs for the stew
After tasting the stew Dingo runs away in disgust! The animals all dance to celebrate Wombat's survival.
Lizard - played by Sophie
Koala - played by Max
Emu - played by Gracie
Echidna - played by Maneo
The reader - Nate
Wombat - played by Logan one day and Shayan the other

Platypus - played by Neo
Thanks for the tasty treat after the show Phoebe - it was YUMMY!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Planning our new City

On Wednesday Lavender's Dad, Dr Shane Turner, came to talk to us about his role in planning our new city. Shane is a transport engineer and has an important role in planning the future traffic routes etc for the centre of Christchurch. He told us about the new speed zones to be introduced, the addition of more walk ways and cycle routes and the exciting new tram or light rail that may be introduced linking the city and the university.
It was really interesting to hear about and see the maps for what Christchurch may look like in 5, 10 and even 20 years time. I wonder which members of Room 22 will be living and working in the city centre one day?