This term our Inquiry focus school wide has been on Science. After an interchange with the other Yr 4 classes we then completed a science inquiry in either pairs, groups of 3 or individually.The children were allowed to choose an experiment they wanted to complete and then chose how to present it. Many children presented their inquiry as a poster which are now on display in our classroom. Here are a few photos of some of the class and their experiments which were included on the posters. Other students chose to make a power point on the laptop or be videoed presenting their findings and complete it as an imovie. I will add these to the blog as soon as I get the chance to edit them.
Sophie and Isabella used yeast, sugar and water to inflate a balloon. They have nearly finished making a great slide show which should be on the blog soon.
Logan made himself a Lava Lamp. It was amazing watching the different liquids separate. A great one to try at home. Logan wrote up his results and presented his findings on a poster.
Gross!! Fake snot was created by Jade and Isabel! Our whole class did enjoy seeing the process though!
The classic Diet Coke and Mentos experiment always works well and is great to watch. Next time the boys need to use a geyser funnel to make it work really well. Neo and Jake have produced an impressive slideshow of their results.
Corban and Maneo worked well together creating music with water. Just for fun we added colour to each glass. Another great one to try at home.
Which egg will float? Lavender and Jasmyn experimented with adding different substances to water to see which one would float?
Tornado in a bottle. Shayan wanted to find out how a tornado happens. This experiment in a bottle shows the swirling motion really well.
Brigit and Gracie tried to find out what happens to water in a cup enclosed in black paper or white paper. A difficult experiment to do on a cold grey Christchurch winter's day!
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